Day: December 16, 2022

One and Only Ivan Ponder 10 🐘

Hi bloggers.
This is the last Novel Ponder post of 2022!

What do you think of the book?
I liked the One and Only Ivan – It was a bit of a tear-jerker, and there were alot of oooh’s and aaah’s throughout the book… Oh, and a ton of Awwwww‘s – sad ones, and good ones.

Who would enjoy it, and why?
I think that my family would enjoy the book, because they love animals, and a sad story always pleases them.

What was your favourite part?
My favourite part was when Ivan met the Gorillas, because I’d say it felt a little bit like home.

Who was your favourite character, and why?
I like her because she was one of the few who were kind to the animals; She gave Ivan pieces of paper, and drew pictures of them all.

If you had to be a human character, who would it be?
Blog you later,