Year: 2022

One and Only Ivan Ponder 10 🐘

Hi bloggers.
This is the last Novel Ponder post of 2022!

What do you think of the book?
I liked the One and Only Ivan – It was a bit of a tear-jerker, and there were alot of oooh’s and aaah’s throughout the book… Oh, and a ton of Awwwww‘s – sad ones, and good ones.

Who would enjoy it, and why?
I think that my family would enjoy the book, because they love animals, and a sad story always pleases them.

What was your favourite part?
My favourite part was when Ivan met the Gorillas, because I’d say it felt a little bit like home.

Who was your favourite character, and why?
I like her because she was one of the few who were kind to the animals; She gave Ivan pieces of paper, and drew pictures of them all.

If you had to be a human character, who would it be?
Blog you later,

Summer Learning Journey Teaser Activity – Paint With Music

Hi Bloggers.

I… I find digital drawing a lot harder than paper.
So, I made this.. deformed cloud and sun, with some sort of blue outline from the cloud?
I also added a few birds because… I’m not sure – Actually, I have no reason.

Check out my painted music here:

Have you had a go yet?
Also, what would you name this… deformed piece?
Blog you later,

Ponder 8 🏅🏀

Hi bloggers~

Well, I think I’d rather be the worst player on a team that always wins – Not because I love winning (though, you know, that is nice..).
If I were to be the best player in a team that always loses.. Well, the others could be absolutley horrid at the sport, but that means the best player could just simply be average at the game, not great.
And, when you’re the worst player on a team that always wins, you could be amazing, and the others are even better than amazing.
Also, if you were to be the star player, you’d probably get tons of attention – Which, can I say, isn’t specifically what I’d want.

What sports do you/have you played?
Blog you later,

Novel Ponder 7 🐘

Hi Bloggers!

Nah, I don’t really think it was fair… He kept smashing things, which kinda meant he didn’t have enough space, and eventually Mack’s wife left, after he drew on the fridge.
What would it be like if a human baby was raised as a gorilla?
I agree with one of my classmates: The gorilla might not treat the baby as theirs – and, they could get territorial.
But that’s not the whole point of this question.
The baby almost definitely not walk like normal people – More likely to knuckle walk like other gorillas.
I think it would be a bit like when a gorilla baby is raised by humans.

Would you rather raise a gorilla, or be raised by gorillas.
Blog you later,

Novel Ponder 6 🐘

Hey bloggers.

Do you think Ivan really does remember?
Yeah, I think he does remember; He remembers his father, his mother, Tag (His sister), the sounds his father made when he slept, and his own name.
Why would Ivan want to forget?
He might end up like Tag.
And it’d be quite emotional.

If you had a life similar to Ivan’s, would you remember or forget?
Blog you later,

Novel Ponder 5 🐘

Hi bloggers.

Because Ruby was a part of Stella when she arrived.
And he knew that it would make Stella happy for her last few minutes.
But… Also because he didn’t want Ruby to have the same life as Stella – So that she was free, and with her kind.

Do you think Ruby wants to live at the zoo?
I thinks she would definitley rather live at a zoo then at the Big Top Mall.
If she had a full choice, then she’d 100% want to live in the wild.

If Stella was to live, who would you want to be? – Ivan, Stella, Ruby or Bob?
Blog you later,

Ponder 5

Hi bloggers.

I’d rather have a jetpack – I’d love to be able to fly, and a jetpack sounds fun.
I wouldn’t want a robot as (1) I prefer jetpacks, (2) sure, they could tidy your room, but what if they malfunction? If a jetpack malfuctions mid-air, it doesn’t specifically mean you’d fall. Whereas if a robot was to malfunction, it could go crazy; wreck your room, or even start going against you and your family.
Then again, you can’t travel from, like, New Zealand to America; Probably not even New Zealand to Australia. The furthest you can go (From jetpacks I’ve seen) would probably only be from the North Island to the South!

Would you rather have a dog robot or a cat robot..?
Blog you later,

Novel Ponder 4 🐘

Hello bloggers.

Do you think it’s okay to take animals from their natural habitat from their natural habitat to be a pet?

No, I don’t think it’s okay to force wild animals to be a pet. It’s just unfair, as taking them captive – in what would probably be a home – would, 1, reduce the space they have in their natural habitat, 2, stop them for forging food themselves, and 3, force them to not be in their pack (Or troops, for gorillas).

When is it okay to take an animal from the wild?
When they’re terribly sick, injured, or their parents were poached.
Also if they’re endangered, so they can help maintain their species.

Out of all the endangered species in the world, which would you choose to save?
Javan Rhino’s are one of the most endangered animals in the world.
I would choose to save them.
Blog you later,